For Some, “Lazee”Lamont King is more known for his hilarious characters on the nationally syndicated Russ Parr Morning show, than he is for his on stage comedy. For the last few years, he has been getting busy on the stages around Hollywood, making a name for himself, and getting respect of fans and fellow comics. But with Lamont, it’s not just jokes. Instead of waiting for his big break, he is taking control and creating his own path, by producing shows in his hometown of Washington DC and Los Angeles.
King says he first got bit by the comedy bug when he was asked to host an event at University of Maryland Baltimore County. “I did three jokes and it worked. Then I did the same three jokes at other schools and they worked and that’s when I realized I can do comedy”, he said. But after taking beatings at Takoma Station and other local comedy nights, he decided to stick to radio.
From 1998-2004 Lamont sat in as the comedic sidekick on the Russ Parr show. He was responsible for creating some of the most memorable characters, including Cliché King, N.Y.C. from NYC, and Crayon Smiff, the crank caller. Being on the show afforded him the chance to show people his comedic talent on air and while hosting station events. As always, everything comes to an end, and Lamont packed up and headed to California to pursue comedy full time.
Lamont says he has grown as a person, and a comic and that maturity is reflected in his material. Much of his topics now revolve around relationships, current events, and he still does characters on occasion. Like many comics, he feels, that being yourself on stage and having a point of view is what’s going to separate him from his peers. But even being himself means there are certain limits to what he will say. Although he says there’s no topic that’s off limits, he is cautious about how he approaches it. “My mom won’t come see me perform, but neither of my parents like that I curse”, he said”. He says he will tackle any topic, yet find creative ways to get the same laugh and not always having to be vulgar.
Along with listening to Richard Pryor and Bill Cosby records, the late 80s variety show “In living Color” was very instrumental in Lazee chasing the comedy spotlight, “I enjoyed the characters they all created”. With being new to the game, his peers always offer advice. MeShell Foreman-Shields said “be yourself” while Guy Torry took a different approach suggesting books for Lamont to read. One day while cracking “Your Momma” jokes with George Wallace, Wallace was impressed and paid him on the spot for the two jokes that Lamont hit him with. He went on to later writer other jokes for Wallace.
Another motto that he keeps in the back of his mind is “dirty gets the laughs, clean gets you paid”. Remembering that sentiment causes a struggle for many comics. Some comics go for the easy laugh and many of those same comics, will never be successful in a mainstream audience. Lamont doesn’t want to be known as a “Black Comic”. He says the “Black Comic” label can sometimes work against you and he gets typecast by promoters expecting only certain types of jokes.
In fact he doesn’t want to be type casted at all. In addition to comedy, he’s had some acting success, landing roles on “All of Us”, “Gary Unmarried”, “Love for sale” and a popular Burger King commercial. Lamont used to be an on-air jock at The BEAT in LA. He sometimes sits in on Foxhole radio and says he does plan to get back into radio. But, for now he’s concentrating in branding himself by taking advantage on peoples internet access. He constantly posts short scripted videos and comedy performances online. For more info on Lamont you can reach him at:
www.lamontking.tv www.instantclassic.info www.facebook.com/lamontkingtv www.twitter.com/lamontkingtv
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