Every night on the MoNique Show, she introduces the world to Rodney Perry, her co-host, side-kick and her friend. But many of us wonder why is he there? What does he do? And yet many comedy fans already know who he is and has seen what he can do-leave the crowd in stitches.
Although, on the show he hasn’t flexed his comedic dexterity, Perry has made a living telling jokes for over 15 years. Even as a kid he liked to make his friends and family laugh. Then Eddie Murphy put a face and label on his future career. After serving in the US Navy Rodney dabbled in comedy for a few years, but didn’t take it seriously until moving to Los Angeles in the mid 90s. He recalls his first time performing at Fat Tuesdays, which was the premier spot for Black Comics in LA as a night he will never forget. “They booed and heckled me soon as I hit the stage, comedian/host Guy Torrey saved him from the crowd but hit him with a few shots at him too. After an adamant person in the crowd asked for him to come back to the stage, Rodney regrouped and was able to salvage his dignity and regain the crowds respect. On stage his material is similar to his peers. But on stage he “wants to stand out” from his peers. Perry always wears suits on stage in a error when many urban comics sport jeans, and polo shirts. In 2002 He won the Bay Area Black Comedy Competition. Since then he has racked up numerous comedy show credits, including Def Comedy Jam, ComicView and Who’s Got Jokes.
Rodney and Monique had always run in the same circles. Their first encounter was brief. He was offered a higher paying option to perform on the Big Black Comedy show, but opted to co-host instead. That was the first time he met MoNique. She was the host, but they didn’t actually work side by side. Then shortly afterwards he was performing and didn’t know that she was in the crowd, but she was moved by his work ethic, reached out to him and took his wife shopping. “That was the begining of our friendship. Now she’s like my sister”, he said. When MoNique wanted someone to ride shot gun when she hosted her syndicated show, Rodney was right there. “When they called me in, we just clicked and after a few days, they told me I was gonna be part of the team,” he said.
Although the radio buzz soon died off, MoNique told him, there would be something better coming for him soon. Fast forward two years, and they are both on TV every night world-wide. For people who know Rodney seeing him on stage but not seeing him get to shine is perhaps more frustrating for them, than it is for him. “I used to get a little frustrated, but I’m learning so much, and people see my face and know my name now, he continues. “I’m learning from the Executive Producer on how to be a better business person. And I’m like Scotty Pippen was to Jordan, to assist.” Rodney says they shoot three days a week, doing two shows each day. He is quick to point out that Monique will greet or take a picture with everyone who stays after the show and won’t leave until everyone is gone. “I admire her for that”.
Rodney says even with his modest success, he is still learning. He says George Lopez taught him to always write new material. Steve Harvey sets an example of diversifying your talents and business. Cedric the Entertainer taught him how to be friendly to everyone. “I learn a lot from everyone and all those pieces help make me who I am,” he boasts. Being on the show of course has it perks. When he does shows now, his stock has risen. He can demand more for a show than he did at this time last year. On weekends, he tag teams shows around the country opening for Monique. her fans are becoming his fans as well. Another perk of the show is traveling. He says when they travel now, it’s a smooth ride to the gate with no interruptions. Also, fans can look for him in an upcoming episode of "Meet The Browns." The frustrating part of being Rodney Perry is that all of his comedic friends want to be on the show. “I want to put them all on, but I can’t. It’s not enough slots for everyone. He says even if he can’t get them on the show, he does make sure that the right person sees their tapes.
By most accounts Rodney is humbled funny and genuine. Be sure to log on to www.rodneyperry.com or follow him on www.twitter.com/rodneyperry to keep up with shows in your area.